Monday, 29 June 2009

The Start.

"The beauty of the world has two edges. One of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder.
- Virginia Woolfe.

The girl sat alone. As she did most nights. Her knees pulled close to her chest, her chin resting on them softly.
A breeze rustled the grass and she looked up to the stars.
Always alone now.
She thought.
Alone and surrounded by people.
A smile flashed across her face at this thought, as she had always considered that saying to be a cliché.
And she was far from a cliché.


Or was she?

She lay back in the grass and her eyes gazed upon the night sky. She used to adore the silent twinkling of the stars but now the very sight of it filled her with sadness, yet, she still looked.

Loving you is like trying to touch one of these stars, I know I never can quite reach you. But I like to think I can try

She sighed.
Not a cliché, yeah, right.

Where had he gone?
Why had he left?
How could he leave her like that?
Didn't she mean more to him?

"Didn't I mean more to you?!"
She stood up and yelled into the night.
"He'll come back for you."
The girl span, her hand on the hilt of her starstabber.
"He will"
The girl raised and eyebrow and turned her back to him.
"If he returns for anyone"
She peered over her shoulder,
"Surely he'll return for you?"
And with that she took off into the night she was so fond of.

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